Alaska Hunting Guides!
At this point in time, outdoors men and women have more hunting access and possibilities than ever before, taking us to the most beautiful wilderness locations across the globe. To this day, Alaska provides some of the most breathtaking scenery and natural wonders that can be found in the world and we have the privelege to experience them everyday!

My name is Rudy Martin and along with my wife Ashley Martin we invite you to join us in one of our camps and experience these amazing places! Whether your dream is to chase a Dall Sheep ram high on the peaks of Alaska's Brooks Range or outsmart a Coastal Brown Bear in the dense forest of Southeat Alaskas Tongass National Forest Northern Professional - Outfitting and Guide Service is your one stop shop for ALL of Alaska's big game species!

Having grown up on the waters of Southeast Alaska commercial fishing, I attained my Assistant Guides License at the age of 18 and began my career working under one of the states foremost guide and outfitter. In the 13 years following, I attained my Registered Guides License, every Big Game Species Certification Alaska has to offer, Pilots License, USCG Captains License, and had the privelege of guiding over 200 successful hunts!

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If you have any comments and or suggestions relating to improving the accessibility of our site, please don't hesitate to contact our accessibility coordinator and website owner Malcolm Rudy Martin and Northern Professional Outfitting and Guide Service by phone or e-mail via our Contact Form. Your feedback will help us make improvements!