Alaska Yukon Moose

When it comes to North Americas big game the Alaska yukon Moose is one of the biggest. Mature bulls weighing in at over 1000 pounds and brandishing headgear in excess of 60" across they truly stand as an impressive trophy to any sportsman. Beginning in September we start pursuing these giant ungulates by means of spot and stalk and calling as this is also the beginning of the rut! A massive bull coming into the call is an adventure that you wont forget. We hunt the Brooks Range of Alaska and while there might not be as many moose as the Alaska Range or others, there is significantly less hunting pressure allowing bulls to reach a higher age class and reach their trophy potential.
Legal in this area is a bull with 50 inch or better antler spread or 4 brow tines or more on one side. We encourage hunters to think about what they are after before arrival that way we have a clear picture of what we are looking for. We always shoot for the 60 inch mark but there are plenty of great bulls with lots of character that fall in the mid to high 50's with good brows, points, and mass.

Accommodations on this hunt will be in comfortable base camp tents with a seperate cook tent for meals as well as a two cabin base camp. Depending on the current activity levels we will be utilizing either to maximize our chances for success! We will typically be hiking up on a glassing point to look over the surrounding moose flats and the river valley waiting to lay eyes on a trophy bull as they make there way up river in search of cows. After we find the bull we are after, we will formulate a plan and make a stalk. We only do 2 moose hunt's a year, the 5th through the 15th of September and the 16th throught the 25th. Catering to a maximum of 2 hunters per hunt, we strive to keep the trophy quality high and sustain our area. If getting up close and personal with a massive bull moose is on your list then give us a call and come experience classic northern hunting at its finest!
In addition to pursuing the trophy bull you are after we encourage you to carry a Grizzly Tag as well, the season is open and we allow the additional harvest on a trophy fee basis however if we replace your Alaska Yukon Moose with a Grizzly Bear there will be no extra cost to you!
Fully Guided 1x1 Brooks Range Moose Hunt - $29,000.00
Additional Animal Trophy Fee: $5,000.00
*First Availability for Moose Hunts is September, 2027​*