Southeast Alaska is known for its wet climate, and if you venture to this part of the world you will most likely encounter rain at some point. Grundens of Sweden and Helly Hansen in the lighter weight commercial grade lines are great for fishing, skiff hunting, and less active endeavors such as our boat hunts or when its just dumping buckets out and you don't have a choice.
If their is any sort of physical activity involved such as on most of our hunts in the Brooks Range, I suggest a higher end set of hunting gear such as those manufactured by First Lite, Kuiu, or Sitka. I personally run a combination of brands that have proven themselves reliable. I trust and count on merino wool and my gear is based around just that. Everyone is different, and that's a factor that plays into every individuals gear selection. If you have gear that has proven itself to you and has your trust by all means keep trusting it.
As far as footwear goes its Xtratuf knee high rubber boots as the daily drivers on any of our Southeats Alaska boat hunts and chest or hip waders are highly recommended. If we are hunting the Brooks Range the footwear will be mor akin to what you would need for a late September or October Elk hunt. I would suggest Kenetreks or something similar since they give durability and enough stiffness to the everyday hunter without going overboard. Basically all there is to it is if you have merino wool next to skin, including socks, and as much merino as you can muster on up through proven goretex rain gear with a set of heavy duty rubber rain gear as back up you should be good. Sleeping accommodations are all provided on the boat on our Southeats alaska hunts, Brooks Range hunts you will need an air mattress and good sleeping bag, a 5 Degree bag is what i would recommend as long as its small and packable. I have a Mlountain Hardware 5 degree bag thats 3 and 1/2 lbs which should be ur goal. The 10lb canvas bedroll needs to be left at home on the shelf. You will need to bring your toiletries such as tooth brush and shampoos/soaps adequate for the duration of your stay. We will have shampoos and soaps on board the boat that you are welcome to although personnel preference is not considered, Brooks Range camp is less modern so showering is much more of a luxury then an everyday occurence.
Silk Base
Merino Base
Fleece/Insulated Pants (Cool Temps)
Light Fleece/Regular Pant ( Warmer Temps)
Hip Waders/Chest Waders
Rain Pants (If Hip Waders are Elected)
Silk Base
Merino Base
Sweatshirt/Fleece Shirt
Insulated Jacket
Rain Jacket
Hip/Chest Waders
Personal Gear​
Garmin InReach or Zoleo
​Firearm and Ammo
Silk Base
Merino Base
Uninsulated Hunting Pants
Insulated Puffy Pants for Glassing
Medium/Heavy Weight Rain Pants
6-8" Leather Mountain Boots​
Crocs for around camp
Gaiters and Overboots for up to Knee High Creek Crossings
Silk Base
Merino Base
Merino/Fleece Mid Layer
Insulated Puffy Jacket for Glassing
Medium/Heavy Weight Rain Jacket
Personal Gear
Packable Sleeping Bag - 0 or 5 Degree
Blow Up Sleeping Pad
Backpack - 4000 CI or Bigger
Garmin InReach or Zoleo
​Firearm and Ammo
Trekking Pole